Friday, October 26, 2012

Nic Sampson on "Curve Ball" (Web Series)

Nic Sampson (Chip, Mystic Force; voice of Sentinel Knight, Overdrive) starred in the web series pilot "Curve Ball." The series would follow a trio of slackers, Fawkes, Jason & Steph, who congregate at a Bowler's Club owned by Steph's father. The three pals spend most of their time drinking and joking. Sampson portrays Fawkes, who works at a laundromat by day. The first episode, titled "The Yes Technique," found Fawkes & Jason deciding to throw a surprise party after discovering Steph's birthday. Their efforts to populate the party, however, leads to trouble when the trio arrives to find the Bowler's Club trashed and Steph's clown boyfriend tied up. They learn at the end of the 12 minute episode that Steph's father plans to sell the club. Nic Sampson co-created the series with fellow star Ryan Richards. Sampson also wrote the episode. The full episode can be seen on Youtube. A full zip of Nic Sampson's screencaps from the web series is available to download below.


Click Here to Download All 34 Screencaps

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