Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jack Guzman in "Play the Game" (2009)

Jack Guzman (Danny, Wild Force) played a minor role in the film "Play the Game." The film centers on young car salesman, David, who has patented dating tricks to lure women. After spending time with his lonely grandfather, David coaches him on how to find love. At the same time, his grandfather imparts knowledge to help David find a true companion. David connects with Julie Larabee while playing a friendly game of football. David tries to use his techniques to lure Julie closer, but finds his grandfather's advice on women seems to work much better. Jack Guzman appears in two scenes of the film, as a member of Julie's football team. When David rigs the schedule to play her team again, he finds Julie is absent. He talks with Guzman's character, who agrees to help him get in touch with her after David lies about wanting to recruit her for his team. In the end, David & Julie find love. Guzman is credited as 'Captain,' pointing to his status on the team.

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"Play the Game" is available on DVD

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