The action crime drama "Sinners and Saints" follows experienced detective, Sean Riley, as he tries to solve a string of brutal murders in New Orleans, while also coping with the death of his young son and a crumbling marriage. Riley teams with a young homicide detective in an effort to track down the guilty party, which includes Raymond Crowe (played by Costas Mandylor). Late in the film, Riley discovers a video camera that contains footage of Crowe intimidating young soldiers as they are held captive. Michael O'Laskey II
(Young Rocky, MMPR) plays one of the unnamed soldiers seen in the video footage. Bound in a desert with his comrades littering the ground around him, O'Laskey's character is the last to be shown executed by Crowe. O'Laskey appeared in only one brief scene of the film. O'Laskey's previous film "The Sensei," also featured a Mandylor, Costas' brother, Louis.
"Sinners and Saints" is available on DVD
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