The short film "Police Guys," follows a team of cops as they track down an apparent criminal named Captain Cole, engaging in a series of battle sequences, reminiscent of other action movies. The film draws attention to its many plot holes, including the appearance of Alex Heartman (Jayden, Samurai), who plays himself. When the cops come upon Captain Cole having a chat with Heartman and actor Jonathan Bennett, they wonder who the men are. Cole introduces Alex, mentioning he plays the Red Power Ranger, which impresses the cops. When the fight breaks out between the cops and Cole's thugs, Alex remarks that Nickelodeon didn't train him for that and he makes a quick exit. The fifteen-minute short film can be seen on Youtube.
Previous Power Rangers Samurai posts
- Alex Heartman in The Temper Trap's "Need Your Love"
- Kimberley Crossman on "NCIS: Los Angeles"
- Najee De-Tiege for "McDonalds" (Commercial)
- Hector David Jr. on "Teens Wanna Know"
- Steven Skyler on "Glee" - 6