Saturday, February 19, 2011

Michael Copon in "Dark House" (2009)

Michael Copon (Lucas, Time Force) made a small appearance in the horror film "Dark House." The film tells the story of a young woman who is traumatized as a child after being inside a crazed woman's house, where unspeakable horrors were committed against children. Now an adult, she returns to the house with her friends, hoping that it will unlock her memories and finally help her gain some peace. Needless to say, the horror of the past is unlocked instead. Michael Copon misses most of the action, as his character Greg doesn't appear until the last scene of the film. After the second massacre, Greg arrives at the house with his girlfriend, who also entered the house as a little girl. She & Greg go inside, hoping to jog her memory as well. Unaware of what has transpired twice before, the couple feels safe, until the doors and windows snap shut, locking them in to experience the terror living inside the house as the film fades to black.

"Dark House" is available on DVD

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