Sunday, August 24, 2008

Michael Copon in "Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior" (2008)

Michael Copon (Lucas, Time Force) stars in "Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior," a prequel to the feature film "The Scorpion King." Copon plays a young Mathayus, a role originated by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. The film follows Mathayus on a dangerous journey to retrieve the Sword of Damacles to help him defeat the ruler of the Black Scorpion, who killed his father and brother. This is arguably the biggest role for a former Power Ranger ever. Copon appears in almost every scene and is the leading man throughout the direct-to-dvd movie. Copon also performed many of his own stunts. Given his leading role, a full zip of his screencaps is available to download below. There are 110 total screencaps so it's strongly encouraged that you download the full zip, which includes all full-sized caps.

Click Here to Download All 110 Screencaps
"Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior" is available on DVD

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