Monday, April 26, 2010

Keith Robinson on "American Dreams" - 10 (2003)

Keith Robinson's (Joel, Lightspeed) 10th appearance on "American Dreams" came in the 21st episode of the drama's first season. He appeared in his role as Nathan Walker in the episode titled "Fear Itself." The episode title is appropriate for his character as Nathan tries to use fear when dealing with his teenaged cousin Sam (series regular Arlen Escarpeta). After being fired along with his militant friends from the Pryor family's new store, Nathan uses his extra time to remind Sam of how unfair white people can be. He tries to convince Sam not to trust the Pryor family. When he finds out that Sam has been hired by Mr. Pryor at the store, he shows up there and continues to pressure Sam into going against his beliefs in tolerance and acceptance of those different from him. Keith Robinson appeared in only two scenes of this episode.

Season 1 of "American Dreams" is available on DVD

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