Based on a true story, the 2012 miniseries "Mrs Biggs" tells the story of Charmian Powell, a rebellious young English woman who falls in love with Ronald Biggs, one of the culprits behind the infamous 1963 Great Train Robbery. Their whirlwind romance leads to marriage and children, but life for Charmian grows to become a struggle after her husband flees their home in Australia to live in hiding from authorities in Rio de Janeiro. The fifth and final part of the miniseries features Glenn McMillan
(Dustin, Ninja Storm), playing the role of Adaulto, a young business owner in Rio who befriends Ronald, giving him an address to receive money and mail from his wife. Adualto enjoys some nights out drinking with Ronald after he learns of his oldest son's death in a car wreck. Adualto tells Ronald about the party girls of Rio and Ronald indulges, leading to him getting another woman pregnant. Charmian brings her children to see their father after Ronald uses the pregnancy to free himself from prison and to avoid deportation back to the UK to face criminal charges. Adualto is seen amongst the guests at a party, where Ronald ignores his family in favor of his pregnant girlfriend, despite telling Charmian that it is all for show, to keep himself out of prison. McMillan appears in four scenes of the final hour.
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