Samurai's Felix Ryan (Spike, Samurai) appeared on the crime drama, "The Mentalist" this week. Ryan appeared as Trent Matthews in the fifteenth episode of the season, titled "War of the Roses." His character is a delinquent teen who pops up on the investigators' radar as they try to solve the murder of a young counselor who worked at a camp for juvenile offenders. It's discovered that Trent fled the camp around the same time as the murder. The investigators find him at his high school, where he promptly gets into a fist fight with another student. When brought in for questioning, Trent denies having any involvement in the murder, but relays a story of how one of the other counselors was physically violent towards him, until the deceased woman stepped in to stop it. Felix Ryan interacts with series stars, Tim Kang & Amanda Righetti during his two-scene appearance. Ryan is the second PR alum on the blog for appearing on "The Mentalist." Erin Cahill was the first.
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