Thursday, November 13, 2008

Brandon Jay McLaren in "Hybrid" (2007)

Brandon Jay McLaren (Jack, SPD) played a supporting role in the 2007 science fiction film "Hybrid." The film centers around a young security guard named Aaron (played by Cory Monteith) who is blinded in a fire while trying to save a co-worker. Aaron is chosen for an experimental transplant where he receives the eyes of a wolf, which causes drastic changes in his behavior, which leads the scientists to attempt to hunt him down. McLaren stars as Ashmore, Aaron's best friend and fellow security guard. He's at Aaron's side after his accident and helps to protect him after his transplant, even if he doesn't understand how it's possible. Ash finally has enough after his apartment is ransacked and he's left battered in the efforts to find Aaron. "Hybrid" was filmed in McLaren's native country, Canada. Given his large role a full zip of his screencaps is available to download below.

Click Here to Download All 25 Screencaps
"Hybrid" is available on DVD

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