"Valley of the Heart's Delight," is a crime drama set in 1933 California. When the son of a wealthy businessman is believed to be taken hostage and held for ransom, a web of corruption and misguided hunts for answers lead to devastating consequences for two men wrongly accused of the abduction, which is soon classified as a murder. Ron Roggé
(Captain Mitchell, Lightspeed) appears throughout the film as Deputy Dully, a lawman who is at the mercy of his boss, Sheriff Ackle. When Dully notices that the two arrested men seem to be railroaded for the crime, Dully expresses hesitation in moving forward with the sheriff, and local leaders, to see them crucified. When the FBI announce that the only crime they can charge the men with is a petty one, local leaders band together to seek their own justice. As the tensions rise, Dully tries to convince the sheriff to help calm the town, but instead the sheriff orders Dully to cooperate with the lynch mob that descends upon the police station, dragging the two men into the street where they are hung, despite their innocence.
"Valley of the Heart's Delight" is available on DVD
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