Friday, April 17, 2009

Rod Lousich on "Legend of the Seeker" (2009)

Rod Lousich (Andrew Hartford, Overdrive) joins a growing list of PR alums who have made a guest appearance on the action-adventure series "Legend of the Seeker." Lousich appeared in the show's seventeenth episode titled "Deception," playing Voss, a D'Haran soldier. In the episode, The Seeker infiltrates a D'Haran camp impersonating another soldier. Voss threatens to expose Richard's ruse, since he knows the man whom Richard is pretending to be. But, Richard is able to convince his superior that Voss is simply lying to help discredit him, despite his loyalty. His ploy works and Voss is dismissed for his lies. Lousich appears in two scenes of the episode with series star Craig Horner.

"Legend of the Seeker" is currently airing
(check local listings for time & channel)

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