Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nathaniel Lees & Michael Hurst on "Legend of the Seeker" (2009)

Episode #13 of "Legend of the Seeker" features two Power Rangers alums amongst the guest cast. Nathaniel Lees (Master Mao, Jungle Fury) appears in the episode "Revenant" playing Leolin, a man who finds the Crypt of Tavol'Rang, which houses the remains of a legendary Seeker named Kieran. While inside, Leolin becomes possessed with the spirit of Kieran's mentor, the wizard Amfortas who causes him to attack the current Seeker, Richard when he enters the crypt with his comrades. Leolin is killed by Richard in the skirmish, but returns later with Amfortas' spirit to help Richard's wizard Zedd free Richard & Kahlan when they become possessed by Kieran & his confessor's spirits to renew their forbidden love. In flashbacks, Amfortas is portrayed by PR voice actor Michael Hurst (voice of Vexacus, Ninja Storm). It is Amfortas who forges the legend of Kieran so that future Seekers would not see the darkness that overtook him due to the love he shared with his confessor.

Nathaniel Lees

Michael Hurst

"Legend of the Seeker" is currently airing
(check local listings for time & channel)

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