Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jack Guzman on "Lincoln Heights" (2008)

Jack Guzman (Danny, Wild Force) appeared on the urban drama "Lincoln Heights" during the show's third season. Guzman appeared as an undercover cop in the episode "Sex, Lies and Secrets." The series follows the tribulations of the Sutton family and in this episode the family patriarch and police officer, Eddie is put on a case involving a fugitive who may be in Lincoln Heights. Guzman appears as one of his fellow cops, who are all sworn to secrecy over the case. The FBI doesn't want the fugitive's girlfriend to know they're watching her, waiting for their felon to appear. Eddie breaks the rules and tells his family about the criminal after the principal at his daughter's school is attacked by the fugitive. After Eddie's wife catches sight of the man, she calls Eddie and he's apprehended. When the FBI agent in charge of the investigation learns the case was compromised he questions the officers, who come to Eddie's defense, claiming they all told someone about the criminal. Guzman's unnamed character steps up and lies for his comrade, gaining the praise of his fellow cops.

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