Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ria Vandervis on "Packed to the Rafters" - 2 (2009)

Ria Vandervis (Miratrix, Overdrive) made her second appearance on the Aussie family drama "Packed to the Rafters," in the second season episode titled "Brave New World." The title refers to Nathan Rafter and his new job in the music industry, where he's working alongside Layla, played by Vandervis. Layla shows Nathan around their office and he's instantly happy with his decision to abandon his real estate career. He throws himself into his work which means time away from his wife, Sammy. When Layla gets bad news from their boss (her boyfriend), about his schedule preventing him from returning so soon, she decides to drown her sorrows with a drink. Although Nathan is reluctant to get too close to Layla, he agrees to have a drink with her, which makes Layla very happy. A full zip of her screencaps is available below.

Click Here to Download All 26 Screencaps
"Packed to the Rafters" is currently airing (Australia)

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