"Flat3" is a New Zealand web series that follows the lives of three young Asian women navigating life and love while living together, with comedic results. The second episode, titled "Jessica," centers on one of the women, Jessica, an actress who finds herself on a date with a fellow actor, who was one of the applicants to become her third roommate in the previous episode, before she gave the room away to her pal Lee. The two get into a debate about her dating history and he brings up the fact that she never dates Asian men due to her own stereotypes, that is overheard by their waiter, played by Mike Ginn
(Gem, RPM). After walking out on the date in annoyance, Jessica finds herself mistaken for a prostitute and Ginn's character arrives in time to help her avoid the humiliation, pretending to be her boyfriend. After getting rid of the men, he flags down a bus for her and Jessica finds herself instantly intrigued, even after he reveals to her that his name is Jackie Chan. You can see the full 7 minute episode on
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