Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ron Roggé on "CSI: Miami" (2009)

Ron Roggé (Captain Mitchell, Lightspeed) continues his string of roles as policemen with his recent guest appearance on the hit crime drama "CSI: Miami." Roggé appears early in the episode as a Miami-Dade police officer, who is not referred to by name. He appears in a couple of scenes, as the CSI headquarters is hijacked and several people are taken hostage. The local police department is on the scene to lead the efforts to diffuse the situation, but CSI head man Horatio Cane (played by David Caruso) takes the lead in the negotiations to get his people to safety. Roggé's brief screentime involves him getting the first call from the abductor and helping to set up an area to monitor the hostage situation. Roggé becomes the 9th PR alum to be featured on the blog for appearing on "CSI: Miami."

Season 8 of "CSI: Miami" currently airs on CBS

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