Thursday, December 20, 2012

Antonia Prebble & Michelle Langstone - "The Almighty Johnsons" (2011)

Episode 3 of "The Almighty Johnsons" featured two Power Ranger alums. Antonia Prebble (Clare, Mystic Force) guest stars in the episode, titled "Gods Gift to Zebras," as Sonja, a librarian who crosses paths with Axl, as he researches Norse gods in his quest to find Odin's love, Frig, in order to restore the power to his family of gods. When Sonja sees his interest, she shares her love of Norse mythology as well. When she tells Axl that she is Frig, he's taken by surprise, realizing that his quest may be over much sooner than he expected. While Axl pursues his goal, the group of goddesses out to stop the Gods' ascent to power learn of Axl's discovery. Michelle Langstone (Kat, SPD) continues in her role as Michele, the muscle of the group. She's dispatched to Sonja's house party where both she & Axl discover that Sonja's admission of being Frig stems from her participation in a role-playing game with her friends, which she assumed Axl was referring to. Sonja loses all interest in Axl thanks to Michele's convincing that he was a perverted stalker looking to take advantage of her. Michele faces off against Axl inside the house as Sonja and her friends watch in horror. Michele kisses both Sonja & Axl goodbye, as she fights her way out, vowing to Axl/Odin that the goddesses will find Frig first, and prevent her reunion with him. Another interesting PR connection in the episode comes in Michelle Langstone's fight sequence. A poster for the film Sione's Wedding can be seen on the wall of Sonja's room. That film featured Pua & Robbie Magasiva, John Tui, Nathaniel Lees and Kelson Henderson.

Antonia Prebble

Michelle Langstone

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