Monday, September 21, 2009

Stuart Devenie & Alistair Browning on "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" (1998)

Hercules finds himself trying to help a bloodthirsty killer named Morrigan turn away from violence and take up her destiny as a sacred Druid in the Season 5 episode "Render Unto Caesar." Hercules also finds himself preparing a Celtic village for the impending invasion of Julius Caesar (played by Karl Urban). Stuart Devenie (voice of Imperius, Mystic Force) appears throughout the episode as Kernunnos, a demonic villain and former lover of Morrigan. He has no intention of letting her turn over a new leaf and even uses their daughter as bait to stop her from joining the side of good. Leading the Celtic village is Bronagh played by Alistair Browning (Jake Brooks, Ninja Storm). Bronagh is very willing to accept Hercules' help in preparing the villagers to fight, while most of them would rather give up, especially in the face of Kernunnos' onslaught as well. This is Devenie's third post on the blog from "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys."

Stuart Devenie

Alistair Browning

Season 5 of "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" is available on DVD

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